Sunday, October 5, 2014

Phonar Notes

Why Phonar?
Transmedia- media that connects to another media platform in order to better itself.
Establish a habit/ used to have a production angle
Get into the habit of constantly producing in either small or large increments
What is a Photographer? And what do you need to become one/ type of camera
Everyone is a photographer as long as they can take a picture and any type of camera is fine.
Normal systems of education make the student a sort of slave to their own habits and routines that they develop throughout the course of their schools education. The solutions become the habits and they are never really questioned.
Is there a better way of going about this learning process?
Yes connecting with other people or methods specifically through Transmedia Ex. Open source learning.
What is a photograph?
It’s a physical answer, a fixed time in space, and its data.
Kodak was worth around 2.8 billion dollars in 2011
Snapchat gets the difference, the difference being that photos are more than just moments they are experiences.
Photography is dead is a really pretentious and narrow minded view of human endeavors in that field.
Photography is dead but still alive; it’s transitioned into a new era of photography through different forms of Transmedia.
Flicker has over 6 billion photos
Facebook has over 100 billion photos with 300 million photos being uploaded everyday
What shape is a photo?
Square, rectangle, circle, Bounded by edges
Why do we crop the photo?
So we can ship/ send around
How do rectangles shape our lives?
Mode of information-photography
Mode of delivery-flawed
Travel by looking in a rearview mirror, using the old to understand the new
To change the world is to describe it differently
Journalism is focused on convergence but ultimately misses the point, because media will change in its delivery, decentralized non-linear media environment
Teacher-broader texted understanding
 Whose version of the event gets published, the authority of a single person has been invalidated, and one voice is not necessarily the voice of authority.
Story= beginning, middle, and end
Ask a Stanger on the bus how do you perceive me?
Transmedia-one media-another story from a different perspective=world
All perspectives are connected by different realities.
Being connected means nothing if you aren’t trusted
You have to have a contextual understanding
You have to be heard by people who are the most interested aka the target audience
To get connected to those people you need a platform or a hub
Basetrack used this idea to connect families separated by war and let the soldiers tell their own stories and perspectives.
This helped disaggregated families connect for the first time in years.
Something fixed in time has prevalence, times= is made to be passed on to the generations that come after us.
Photography has the potential to change the world.
What would google do?
Use collaboration to become more powerful than the individual, beyond the supplier potential through these collaborations.

Notes were based off of this lecture

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