Friday, December 12, 2014

The Yellow Fog

In "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." the fog is metaphor for something deeper than he saw fog and it was yellow. But going off of what was said by Mr. Preston and Alyssa i agree that there was an artificial nature behind the fog. I also found it interesting that the poem deals with fear and how time was slipping because from my own synesthetic stand point yellow usually represents fear as an emotion. So I think it would make since within the poems context because it also deals with his fears of growing older and not living up to his full potential and then rationalizing to himself that there will be more time later.

Hamlet Essay

“Though this be madness, yet there is method in't” I chose this quote because I think it wraps the whole play and defines all of Hamlet’s actions throughout the poem in one efficient sentence. By dissecting this we see that Polonius is starting to realize that Hamlet’s more of a tactical genius than a madmen but Polonius still considers him to be mad because he still doesn’t understand the scope of what Hamlet has set into action. Polonius said this line to himself but this does affect how he interacts with Hamlet in future scenes and the actions he takes to try and learn more information about what Hamlet is really planning, and then enrolling the help of others with his vague assumptions. This is what I think is one of Hamlet’s tactics in play, he knows how intelligent Polonius is and clouds his words in enough metaphor that he would understand to a degree and then want more information, Hamlet was always counting on Polonius to go tattle to someone that had authority over Hamlet as a way to set Claudius off of his balance and give himself the upper hand. This line was spoken at a time in the play when others were still suspicious of Hamlet and what his true motives were so this parcel of suspicion seems larger than it really is because everyone is watching him so closely and that’s exactly what he wanted.
Polonius is used more as a messenger than anything else through the play, his personality help this progress the play by always confiding in authority figures and wanting some form of recognition for his actions leading him to keep delivering them regardless of any actual reward. Almost as if he’s the castle intern and all of Hamlets vague words are the coffees the higher ups are always demanding.

The quote defines Hamlet because despite how much calculation and thought he puts into all of his actions and his words and who he says them to and how, he is considered mad by the other characters. This shows two things, first is that Hamlet is extremely intelligent and the other characters don’t begin to recognize his level of intelligence until most of his plans have been in play for some time and the momentum of them is too great to be stopped, and second is this demonstrates how much control has over himself and his own emotions he has. Hamlets is able to contain the raw emotion he harbors towards the murderer of his father and instead of attack him and get the deed over with he chooses to do it in a way that will make Claudius expose himself. He takes all that emotional energy festering inside of him and mines it directing it to help him reach his goal. He uses his control over his emotion and self to manipulate others into thinking what he needs them to think in order for the next part of his plan to unfold. Hamlet’s actions are totally based off of madness, pure unbridled madness, he’s going mad his father was murdered and his mother is sleeping with the murderer, his friends are turning on him and he’s alone. But what makes this play different from some messed up revenge scheme is Hamlet cages all that madness just beneath all his actions and words, only letting it peak when its beneficial to his ultimate goal and this is the method the method of controlling yourself and your own emotions so that you may change the reality around yourself.

Intro to Poetry

So for the poetry it said maybe to write some poetry and I haven’t written poetry in a little over 6 months according to my last poems date but I do have a bunch of poems written already so I chose two that I thought related to the course and how we talk about everything being a remix and our impact that we have on the world, I’d like to note that I think it’s funny that these poems were written about this time last year and covered very similar topics. Also they’re in more of a stream of conscious style because I usually find that relying on rhyme scheme can be limiting at times.
“How many original thoughts does my mind contain? I’m sure others throughout time and the stretch of reality have shared my thoughts. Do I even have one? Is my consciousness a mirror, am I holding stained reflections of others thoughts? A tally of all my originals would be convenient. So that I could know what direction my mind is racing towards in claiming its own frequency, how many mental copyrights have I broken?”
“What moments does my future solidify, is the future as water, my will a pebble, ripples the pebble at the epicenter, never seeing the ripples only water filling the impact, sinking further, how many ripples were there, how long did they last, were there any at all, these will be the last wonders, only to repeat and be washed ashore, anticipating until I meet the waters boundary between my action and its outcome, to have the same effect and wonder.”

Now I posted these not because I think they’re necessarily good, in fact I see how much I’ve grown as a writer that these make my eyes itch. But the point was to show parallels between the course and works I’ve previously written, I think these show that we may have thought of these same concepts before this class but we were never given the materials or time to take them to such depth.

Poetry Remix

For our groups collaborative poetry remix/jigsaw puzzle we chose the poem “Working Togetherby David Whyte. So the whole point of our groups’ giant cardboard jigsaw puzzle was to highlight the theme of the poem which is probably as you already know from the title working together. The poem also touched on the things that we don’t see that can also shape us; I thought this drew a nice parallel with my synesthesia so I incorporated it into my piece.

Using the different colors outside a human’s tonal range wasn’t just to show that I can think in a pop art kind of way but to show how I view people synesthetically. And these colors that make up a person’s personality and eventually work together to create that person’s identity within my own head. The background colors can represent anything from the person’s voice to the colors that they project when I’m around them; it can be their attitude or emotions.  I think that’s one of my favorite parts of my synesthesia is that it’s very complex but easy for me to understand since it is coming from my own head after all, I also like how its intangible and works more in my subconscious so in a way it actually does greatly shape my likes and dislikes and some of my actions. Also as a side note I tried to paint this piece in about thirty minutes only because when I usually paint or draw something I’ll take upwards of seven hours plus total on any given piece. So it was a nice change to just bump out the meaning rather than muddle through the painting details. Also ignore the hair i usually spend half my time on a peices hair but tried to speedpaint.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Imagination Decay

I thought the journal prompt about rather or not your imagination is growing stronger or continuously weakening as you age. Imagination is hard to quantify because it’s such an abstract concept that our words can only grasp at its fumes because words too were meant to solidify the abstract. Different people imagine in different ways, almost as we all speak the same language but we each have mastered a different dialect. Someone who puts most of their concentration and energy towards something such as engineering may have a similar imagination as someone who puts all their concentration into dance, i think this is because imagination is just looked at as the approach and someone who thinks mechanically will approach the same concept as someone who usually approaches concepts abstractly and depending on the concept one person may be considered more imaginative than the other. I think imagination is relative to the concept that is being approached or even created. But I do think imagination can decay over time or strengthen depending on the person who uses it and how often they test it. As someone who is constantly imagining different design elements and figuring out different ways to solidify their own thoughts through art I think that my imagination is at least a little above average. Imagination shapes our lives in ways that seem minuet but eventually grow enough in magnitude that our decisions because of it can’t be ignored, imagination could be the way you try and escape from a bear, the way you talk to people, or the way you view yourself, any of those possibilities eventually shape yourself and how people see you. I think imagination eventually becomes your personality and your character because it does dictate your thoughts, so I guess you are what you imagine.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Vocabulary List Fall and Sentences 6

Abase - verb cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of abdicate - verb give up, such as power, as of monarchs and emperors, or duties and obligations
I will never abase the power I have gotten from being born as the oldest child.
 Abomination - noun an action that is vicious or vile; an action that arouses disgust or abhorrence; a person who is loathsome or disgusting; hate coupled with disgust
I firmly believe that eating licorice a covered in mayonnaise is an abomination.
 Brusque - adj. marked by rude or peremptory shortness
People who act brusque towards others usually aren’t very well received.
Saboteur - noun someone who commits sabotage or deliberately causes wrecks; a member of a clandestine subversive organization who tries to help a potential invader
The football coach believed that there was a saboteur in their midst because he didn’t believe his team is could have such a long losing streak without influence.
Debauchery - noun a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity
Debauchery usually occurs on the weekend because people have more free time on their hands.
Proliferate - verb cause to grow or increase rapidly; grow rapidly
Farmers try to proliferate their crops so that they can make a faster profit.
Anachronism - noun an artifact that belongs to another time; a person who seems to be displaced in time; who belongs to another age; something located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred
The typewriter is an anachronism that has just reached its death.
 Nomenclature - noun a system of words used to name things in a particular discipline
Teenage nomenclature is so fluid and impacting that it even makes its way to the dictionary.
Expurgate - verb edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate
Usually people expurgate the parts of a construction tool so that they don’t break during use.
Bellicose - adj. having or showing a ready disposition to fight
Pit-bulls have been held to the stereotype that they are bellicose in nature.
Gauche - adj. lacking social polish
The mailman was gauche acting as he delivered the mail without breaking eye contact.
Rapacious - adj. excessively greedy and grasping; devouring or craving food in great quantities; living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey
After being released from his cage the dog rapaciously ate the steak left on the counter.
 Paradox - noun (logic) a statement that contradicts itself
Usually in debates one would stay away from paradoxes but no one told the defending side.
Conundrum - noun a difficult problem
Coming up with witty sentences for these words was quite the conundrum.
 Anomaly - noun (astronomy) position of a planet as defined by its angular distance from its perihelion (as observed from the sun); a person who is unusual; deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule
Just one anomaly could scrub the space shuttle launch.
Ephemeral - adj. lasting a very short time; noun anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day in its winged form
The rush one gets from ingesting large amounts of sugar is ephemeral.
Rancorous - adj. showing deep-seated resentment
Churlish - adj. having a bad disposition; surly; rude and boorish
I find that five to eleven year olds can either be the sweetest people or the most churlish acting.
Precipitous - adj. characterized by precipices; extremely steep; done with very great haste and without due deliberation

Most of my homework is done with a precipitous style because I am bad at time management.

The Unphotographable Photograph

The photograph I didn't take was not taken when I camping in the Sequoia forest with my family and I went on a stroll through the forest. I came to a small clearing with a valley of trees that were huddled so close to one another you would think that they were the valley. I looked at the trees and thought that this was gorgeous and I wanted to remember this and this feeling of being so small but connected at the same time. So I didn't take a picture but I'll always remember that place.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

In Class Cantebury Notes

The clerks tale main character-Walter divorces her and marries her daughter,
What tale- the clerk’s tale
What drew you to you-started off with the character being intellectual
Describe the main character-the main character is Griselda she is patient, virtuous, poor, steadfast, devoted, rich in Morales, very beautiful,
How does Chaucer represent the tale-self-aware of his own focus
How does he characterize the protagonist-direct characterization through the dialogue of the other characters and indirect characterization through her actions.
What genre does this represent-a morale tale that is used to represent how to act in times of adversity.
How does characterization and events in this tale represent the larger theme-irony because they act opposite of what the status defined them as.
How would you change the tale to make it better-something really good should have happened to Griselda or there to be justice in the end. For her not to be manipulated willingly.
How would the tale be different-if Griselda had a higher economic status they probably would still get together because of their morals, her status would not have been taken advantage of. If the main characters gender were to have been changed then they probably would not have been able to be together regardless of how they felt about each other because they would not have been able to have a relationship.
What techniques helped to improve the story-direct characterization and depicting how Griselda acted as she was treated badly.
How can you use these techniques to improve your writing-using characterization better and his use of placing characters in adversity.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Character Journey

So the time right now is somewhere between ungodly and exorcism gone wrong, but on the bright side there is an older fellow who I’ve never met shaking me violently in my dorm. I guess I didn’t really know how to react or I just accepted that this was how I was gonna leave this earth but the only thing I was really worried about was who was gonna feed the fish after this fossil ends me. Oh wait he’s talking over my mild screaming.
“Hey! Stop! I’m not gonna hurt you just stop screaming you idiot”
I’d really like to say I said something clever or at least understandable nut I just made a grunt and stared at him.
“Your bags are packed the car is waiting and your flight leaves in 30 min if you value anyone that you hold near you’ll go get in the car.”
“ummm what…ok I mean I guess”
So after the old guy stops shaking me I find my higher brain functions and start to get dressed. When he said my bags were packed thought he meant only my bags were packed because I don’t own a huge black duffle bag that weighs as much as a young adult, oh wait gross no please don’t be a body if it’s a body I’m running. Upon further inspection on my way to the shady black SUV I come to the conclusion that there is something metallic in the bag and it has a few different parts. When I hop into the back and close the door Mr. Fossil tells the man behind the wheel to drive. I would probably be a lot more tired if I dint have so much adrenaline in me right now but due to these creepy people and being a recent victim of some messed up form of kidnapping I’m pretty sure I’m not gonna need coffee for at least a few days.
As we roll up to the airport I take out my phone to check the time my life starts to slide downhill Mr. Fossil with the swiftness of a raptor grabs my phone and hands me another one.
“You’ll use this one from now on, tell anyone anything and your schedules going to mostly consist of funerals for the next week”
On that note I decide that time is stupid and I don’t need to check it ever again on my old phone. Also I’m wondering what organization this guy is working for because this whole thing whatever you want to call it seems pretty organized. Well let’s see what I’m dealing with by just playing along until I see an opening.
Security lets us pass like we are on fire either that or these guys or their superiors threatened everyone working here with some kind of blackmail. Right now as I’m boarding this plane I’m wondering where I’m going, where Mr. Fossil went, and what I did to deserve this, because I’m pretty sure I must have been a puppy serial killer in a past life to have to of had this much bad karma in this one. Yep I probably did something illegal like that one time I stole a candy bar when I was 5 and this is the government’s idea of punishment.
The plane looks pretty bare and it’s this way either because no one is up yet or because it was planned this way, probably planned but let’s just pretend it’s because the airline industry is suffering. The plane rattles and takes off without as much as a warning or a hey sit down, but that’s probably not the weirdest thing that has happened in the last hour. This only furthers my curiosity now I’m really taking the phrase “curiosity killed the cat” to heart but the phrase ends with “but satisfaction brought it back”, I hope if I die I get some sort of satisfaction. I’m also thinking that I should probably check what’s in the duffle but I don’t want to risk bomb going off if it is a bomb which I hope with all my heart it’s not because that really not how I want to be remembered as, breaking news teenage art student blows up plane and now the weather. I didn’t think I could sleep on the plane that was taking me to my down fall but I end up passing out just fine.
Paris France is where I end up which I ironic in the sense that I’ve always wanted to go but I had more of a stroll down the park with coffee rather than hauling around black bags that have something important to do with my imminent future. I’m in Paris for all of 2 minutes when Mr. Fossil makes contact with me at the gate and tells me to follow him.
We tour the city go shopping, see all the sites, get that coffee I wanted but that was all in my head because what’s really happening is I got dropped off at the Arc de Triomphe and was instructed to go down into the manhole which will lead me to my family. Ok this is easy, like to the point where I’m waiting to either get shot or for Ashton Kutcher to come running out screaming “You just got punked!”at the top of his lungs. Anytime Ashton anytime but I know both of those aren’t happening because Mr. Fossil is leaving and I’m not a celebrity. And into the inferno are my last words on the surface and let the record show that those are also the words I say every time I walk onto a campus.
Death is the best way I could describe the smells and tastes I’m experiencing, these ‘catacombs smell like what chewing on tissues feels like, gross right. The thing I wasn’t expecting was for the path to be lit up with torches like actual torches you only see at movies and your crazy uncles house. So like the genius I m I make the best choice and follow the choices because I’m in favor of walking towards a possible explanation rather than just some darkness and skulls.
When you walk for an hour and hope that you see anything and you don’t you start to think you’re gonna die in the world’s biggest known grave which is also ironic. I hear talking and it sounds like a few people maybe even around my age which is either really good or how I’m gonna die. After seeing who it is I’m both more confused and slightly relieved, because I know these people and what are these people doing down here with me with their own black bags. Alec, Victoria, and Elizabeth look at me with a look I’m pretty sure they stole from my face and start shooting questions at me rapid fire.
“So you’re the fourth?”
“What’s in the bag?”
“Are you ok?”
I’d like to thank Elizabeth for asking me a question that a normal human being would ask in this type of situation. But Victoria an Alec are still looking at me with anticipation so I indulge them.
“I’m probably the fourth and as for the bag something metal but I was too scared to check”
Alec decides it would be best if we all opened our bags at the same time and check to see what’s going on. Victoria and Elizabeth seem hesitant for good reason but I’m still curious so on the count of 3 we unzip our bags.
“sooooo more metal parts”
“I think this is just a laptop”
It seems Elizabeth got a laptop, Victoria got a few different flash drives and Alec got a canister of what I can only guess is something radioactive. As for me I got a bunch of metal bricks just great. Before we can really say or do anything all of our phones start ringing at once we decide to put them all on speaker which is good because it’s all the same person and creepy because we hear their voice 4 different times all at once.
“So you all made it and are probably wondering what you all are going to do with those little gifts you have, think of them more as bargaining chips then anything for instance the laptop Elizabeth received has years worth of confidential information on every major country in the world, while Victoria has received all those little flash drives that once inserted into a computer that has a connection to the web starts destroying every other electronic within a varied radius, Alec got some experimental substances that have the increased blast radius of over 5 times the modern nuclear bomb, finally Matt got the metal bricks that are really just a bunch of nanobots that consume any metal they come into contact with and don’t stop until they receive a kill code. So what are you bargaining for that’s the real question isn’t it, well I’ll give you a hint it’s your family’s lives and who would like to make the first offer”
Well this is happening and looks like I don’t really have much of a choice.
“I offer you safety in exchange for my family’s lives”
The creepy voice starts to laugh then questions what I mean by safety.
“It’s simple” I say “you let them go and I don’t activate the little guys and take away your other bargaining chips you want.”
He’s quiet for a while then starts to speak “well loopholes are made for exploiting and I guess I can always find some other kids to do my dirty work if you leave you’ll see your families at the airport”
Tired is how I feel and a little shocked at how easy it was I make my way back with everyone in high spirits still thinking about what just happened. Maybe some things are pretty easy I’m probably wrong and everything’s all right. But then I hear a siren up above something most resembling the war sirens from the 40’s and start to think there’s no way that’s a coincidence and this journey isn’t done.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Vocab fall vocab list of definitions 5

ricochet - noun a glancing rebound; verb spring back; spring away from an impact
schism - noun division of a group into opposing factions; the formal separation of a church into two churches or the withdrawal of one group over doctrinal differences
eschew - verb avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of
plethora - noun extreme excess
ebullient - adj. joyously unrestrained
garrulous - adj. full of trivial conversation
harangue - noun a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion; verb deliver a harangue to; address forcefully
interdependence - noun a reciprocal relation between interdependent entities (objects or individuals or groups)
capricious - adj. determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason; changeable
loquacious - adj. full of trivial conversation
ephemeral - adj. lasting a very short time; noun anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day in its winged form
inchoate - adj. only partly in existence; imperfectly formed
juxtapose - verb place side by side
perspicacious - adj. acutely insightful and wise; mentally acute or penetratingly discerning
codswallop - noun nonsensical talk or writing wonky - adj. inclined to shake as from weakness or defect; turned or twisted toward one side noun
secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering.
"widespread financial shenanigans had ruined the fortunes of many"
silly or high-spirited behavior; mischief.
mungo-Textiles a cheap felted fabric made from waste wool
sesquipedalian-of a word polysyllabic; long.characterized by long words; long-winded.
"the sesquipedalian prose of scientific journals"
diphthong- literally "two sounds" or "two tones", also known as a gliding vowel, refers to two adjacent vowel sounds occurring within the same syllable.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Phonar Notes

Why Phonar?
Transmedia- media that connects to another media platform in order to better itself.
Establish a habit/ used to have a production angle
Get into the habit of constantly producing in either small or large increments
What is a Photographer? And what do you need to become one/ type of camera
Everyone is a photographer as long as they can take a picture and any type of camera is fine.
Normal systems of education make the student a sort of slave to their own habits and routines that they develop throughout the course of their schools education. The solutions become the habits and they are never really questioned.
Is there a better way of going about this learning process?
Yes connecting with other people or methods specifically through Transmedia Ex. Open source learning.
What is a photograph?
It’s a physical answer, a fixed time in space, and its data.
Kodak was worth around 2.8 billion dollars in 2011
Snapchat gets the difference, the difference being that photos are more than just moments they are experiences.
Photography is dead is a really pretentious and narrow minded view of human endeavors in that field.
Photography is dead but still alive; it’s transitioned into a new era of photography through different forms of Transmedia.
Flicker has over 6 billion photos
Facebook has over 100 billion photos with 300 million photos being uploaded everyday
What shape is a photo?
Square, rectangle, circle, Bounded by edges
Why do we crop the photo?
So we can ship/ send around
How do rectangles shape our lives?
Mode of information-photography
Mode of delivery-flawed
Travel by looking in a rearview mirror, using the old to understand the new
To change the world is to describe it differently
Journalism is focused on convergence but ultimately misses the point, because media will change in its delivery, decentralized non-linear media environment
Teacher-broader texted understanding
 Whose version of the event gets published, the authority of a single person has been invalidated, and one voice is not necessarily the voice of authority.
Story= beginning, middle, and end
Ask a Stanger on the bus how do you perceive me?
Transmedia-one media-another story from a different perspective=world
All perspectives are connected by different realities.
Being connected means nothing if you aren’t trusted
You have to have a contextual understanding
You have to be heard by people who are the most interested aka the target audience
To get connected to those people you need a platform or a hub
Basetrack used this idea to connect families separated by war and let the soldiers tell their own stories and perspectives.
This helped disaggregated families connect for the first time in years.
Something fixed in time has prevalence, times= is made to be passed on to the generations that come after us.
Photography has the potential to change the world.
What would google do?
Use collaboration to become more powerful than the individual, beyond the supplier potential through these collaborations.

Notes were based off of this lecture

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Synesthesia Survey

Hey people who are on my blog I've recently created a survey that will help me take the first steps in creating my masterpeice. This survey whether you have synesthesia or not will help me push forward and collect data, just remember this survey is short and more of an Alpha then a Beta test. Take the survey here 

Monday, September 22, 2014

My Dashboard

netvibes is actually a pretty useful service that makes it so that i can have a dashboard set up for all my online homework.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Literary Analysis 1

Literary Analysis 1
“The Voyage Out” by: Virginia Woolf
1.     Rachel who’s greatest adventure in
life is going down town to look at her future purchase goes on a ship that
hauls her down from London to South America. The waters bring change and self-discovery
on a boat that has more character then most of the passengers. After touching
the edges of the cabin mates some characters mainly Rachel come the conclusion
that the world though vast and intricate so are the personal worlds of every
person, but when you break those worlds down to just what is immediately happening
they become closed off and stale. Upon reaching this anonymous South American village
most of these actions are put into mundane little voyages out of the ship such
as shopping at the closest store to find small trinkets or gawk at the locals. All
while this is going on Rachel falls in love with a likeminded individual named
Terrence. After finally reconfirming that thy do in fact love each other and
want to create their own little expanse with one another, Rachel falls ill and
dies of a fever with her last deliberate actions being directed towards
Terrence and trying to solidify their love for one another. Once the news of Rachel’s
passing makes its way back to London the other characters reflect on what life
means to them, what’s next, and how a death could possibly hold light.
2.     Voyages both grand and mundane told
from the perspective of a curious girl, a boy looking for love, and anyone from
a misogynist to the wealthy carefree aunt. Every person’s head is their own
little universe and when they collide with others it either creates a new
entity entirely or becomes something toxic. This is the theme of the novel
discovery whether in oneself or discovering what other heads hold through the
voyages we have.
3.     Empathy in ones trials when in the
process of self-discovery.
“I feel so intensely the delights of shutting oneself up in a
little world of one’s own, with pictures and music and everything beautiful.”
      The Author also
expresses her distaste for violence by using another character as her voice.
“It is impossible for human beings constituted as they are
both to fight and to have ideals.”
      The author feels
that varying perspectives can change how others view us and has a reflective
tone towards discovery.
“To feel anything strongly was to create an abyss between
oneself and others who feel strongly perhaps but differently.”
4.     “the river which had a certain amount
of troubled yellow light…” pg.3
Woolf uses synesthesia in this quote to better illustrate
what she is describing, and also to create a connection between the senses in
this case sight and feeling.
contemplated the angular young man…” pg.66
To describe someone as angular not only gives the reader
interesting visuals but also alludes to the personality of the person being
            “What solitary
icebergs we are, Miss Vinrace! How little we can communicate!” pg.45
Using metaphor to show that people, much like icebergs only
show a fraction of what they ate before they melt, sink, or fuse to another
            “There’s an
abyss between us,…” pg.133
This metaphor was another way for Hirst to try and communicate
and say that he felt he was too complex of a person because he was a guy and
that women have it easier because in his mind they are simpler.
Hirst’s odious words flickered his mind like a whip,…” pg.158
This is a simile used to describe his sudden realization. Woolf
will always use metaphor but when she uses similes it is usually used to describe
something that is happening rapidly so the reader doesn’t get confused and have
to think about what she is trying to express.
evening was unusually dull, the women unusually badly dressed, the men unusually
Repetition is used to better describe the mood of the party
and the event unfolding before the characters.
            1.When Rachel
describes her aunt she tells Hewet that they are little frail and clean old ladies
who usually spend their time shopping this is direct characterization and is
used so that Rachel can express what she thinks about the people she lives with
out loud, and to paint a better picture of what her aunts are like to live
            When Rachel
was being described in the beginning of the novel by the author she is
described as musical. This trait is also the reason why in school she was
allowed to learn nothing but music. Direct characterization was used by the
author to show what Rachel had a talent for rather than just folding clothes
and sheets.
            Rachel is
subjected to indirect characterization through her actions with Terence when
they still doubt each other’s love for one another, she becomes withdrawn and
shy not knowing what to do and letting fear take over her actions.
            Hewet acted
vey childish and stubborn when his prejudices were put under scrutiny by many
of the characters throughout the duration of the novel showing how he was
conditioned to believe that because he was a man and his opinion was always
justified and valid
            Authors such
as Woolf use direct characterization as a way for the characters to acknowledge
something about another character, or it is used for traits that are not so
obvious and need to be explicitly stated or else the reader may pass over them.
characterization is used in instances where a character trait is so obvious
that it requires no further mention and the reader can reach the same
conclusion as the author through inference alone.
            2. Throughout
the novel the author usually keeps the same syntax and diction and I think she
does this either for her own personal writing preferences of so that the reader
feels that all the characters share a common ground when they speak or think.
            3. The protagonist
Rachel is a complex and dynamic character, halfway through the novel many of Rachel’s
beliefs about what life is about and how others act have changed. Rachel goes through
an internal metamorphosis and becomes more and more of the person she dreamt of
becoming with each chapter and experience that passes. She is a sensitive and
gentle individual that can also hold her ground and fight back when need be.
She acts illusive and timid when dealing with most of the characters for the
first time but later becomes open and unafraid. Rachel is a complex character
thrown in a simple world with simple dogmatic values.
            4. If I felt
like I met any character it would be Rachel, due to the constant insights into Rachel’s
thoughts and feelings her reactions and vibrancy as a person.  “She looked at him and smiled, but soon a
slight look of fatigue or perplexity came into her eyes and she shut them
again.” In this passage Rachel is clinging to life and is only having small
fits of consciousness but she uses those to communicate to her love happiness.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Beowulf the Modern Murderer

Beowulf does represent what a hero should be in the literal terms of the meaning of the word hero, which is more focused on the concept of courage rather than doing what is right. If Beowulf was a modern day hero his mantle of esteemed skill and power that seems to be closer to the magic creatures that he is intending to kill rather than the humans he seems so fond of, would mean that he died faster than he could swing his blade. A contemporary hero of our time is Captain America courageous, kind, and stands for justice, what America stood for at the time of his birth. This hero was a symbol of hope but modern hope and the ideology of trying to save everyone doesn’t grow well in the time of Beowulf’s upbringing. Courage and the traits of what make a hero great are relative to the time the story is told. Why do hero’s kill if the point of one is to protect?
            Tough over the top reinforced masculinity is how Beowulf would be described to anyone wondering what he’s like in person. If Beowulf operated under the same morals and principles with feminism added into his minds medieval mix, the same character would still want to kill the “bad guys”. But with the added bonus of believing that women weren’t created to serve his every need because he felt that he deserved it. This would also make him a more controversial character considering the time frame he lived in. Also contrary to popular belief if Beowulf was a feminist that doesn’t automatically mean that he would become female. Beowulf without his skills in combat is nothing more than a man who likes to tell of his skill but always wants to put I on display the next day. I would argue that Captain America is a greater hero in the context of what defines one. For Captain America without his powers he was still a hero though only one without the farthest reach and broadest skillset, he was chosen to take on great power because he was a strong person morally. Beowulf is strong morally but only to serve the purpose of killing one thing so it doesn’t kill another.

            Is someone considered still considered a hero if they continually have to kill in order to achieve their desired outcome. How would you call someone a hero if they kill more than the monsters that they need to stop, it’s a type of bloodshed that happens so often you can’t distinguish the innocents blood between the evil. Good and bad are both relative concepts and are greatly defined by the perspective of the character. Something small to Beowulf such as killing Grendal would seem almost traumatizing to someone such as Captain America. Morals and how those morals influence characters actions define characters as either good or bad according to the story’s reader. Someone such as Captain America reading about the tales of a young up and coming hero killing monsters and sacrificing his friends in the process would see some more evil in the story then just that of the monsters.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

   Vocab Sentences List 2

1.      The accruements of clunky jewelry were forbidding the wearer from moving silently.
2.      The kickball rocketed high enough to make any apogee sentient if only so they could feel jealousy.
3.      The obnoxious child who usually makes car alarms seem docile was acting in a surprisingly apropos manner aboard the plane.
4.      During the debate both candidate bickers continued their futile bickering while ignoring the questions.
5.      By using the oil paints over the base coats of acrylics she was able to coalesce the two different mediums.
6.      To describe every high school student’s freshmen year as a series of contretemps would be sugar coating the actual events.
7.      The modern art sculpture’s plaque read that it was a human torso but the metal was convoluted to a point beyond recognizable.
8.      Pigs that have deformities or are sick are usually culled from the other pigs.
9.      Because the thoughts of the two student’s thoughts were so disparate the project included many unique blends of ideas.
10.  Some people’s thoughts are so dogmatic that you wonder if they belong to a cult or they are just stubborn.
11.  At school it’s considered licentious for the female students to show their shoulders while the male student’s shoulders hold no sexual implications, I guess shoulders are supposed to still be the indicator of a person’s morality.
12.  The overcooked meat was meted out to the rudest of customers.
13.  Words that escape people during a fit of rage give the most noxious fumes a worthy competitor.
14.  A polemic is only as strong as the credibility behind the opinion.
15.  During the first thirty seconds of the passing period the hallways hold the highest populous of students and slow walkers.
16.  People who hold positions of high power usually are held to a standard of probity until someone decides to search their name on the internet.
17.  There’s always one student who focuses more on their repartee when in a class rather then what the teacher is saying.
18.  Road trips can easily be supervened by faulty navigation devices or the navigators themselves.
19.  To truncate someone’s ponytail would most likely get you a reply that has more bruises then words.
20.  To be considered fact the supporting evidence should be unimpeachable.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Focus is a site that has been created by Scientists with the intent to boost productivity and focus, i find the music to help my mind stay on track, go check it out for yourself.

Monday, August 18, 2014


here's the site that you can post your vocab lists to get all the definitions:

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Procrastination vs Pleasure
            Starting off the school year behind a majority of your peers is never the ideal situation for a student much less an AP student. To begin I would like to formally apologize to Mr. Preston for not completing the required reading material that would have benefited me greatly, considering the essay prompt was based on the material. I debated for a while whether or not to do what I have done all through my school career and fake my knowledge of a subject and hope the teacher doesn’t realize that what I wrote about was a combination of vague assumptions, spark notes, and desperation. If I am going to be the best that I can be I’m not going to start heading down that path by lying about who I am and not fully taking advantage of my abilities. I figured since I didn’t complete the reading because of my own procrastination I thought it would be beneficial for other students to learn about what procrastination is from a scientific perspective, and how to overcome it.
            Procrastination has sabotaged all of us on more than one occasion and continues to keep us from accomplishing tasks we either want to do or need to. This problem usually is the result of contributing factors such as laziness, fatigue, or even the overstimulation of the reward centers of our brains. If a human had the ability to never procrastinate and have a never fleeting focus then what task could they not accomplish, this theoretical person could be in college before they started puberty with average intelligence, if they put there will into learning. So as people who probably possess some form of above average intelligence why do we let procrastination best us on a regular basis when it’s the one predictability of our day. This is a self-affliction is done before we know it, in ways that have become habits that border the edge and regularly manifest as addiction.
            The limbic system drives you towards tasks or activities that are pleasant and rewarding to yourself but cuts the engine to the car once presented with a task that will require actual effort. After this everyone abuses the accelerator or in your brains case the prefrontal cortex to make the car go forward. Every human being at some point has been given a job that they find less than enjoyable and they keep telling themselves that they need to do this but they won’t make the effort to actually put the keys in. While using the prefrontal cortex you have to consciously use it instead of just thinking that you should. Pleasurable tasks such as watching your favorite series or eating peanut butter and chocolate in quantities that make your blood more sugar then cells we get rewarded mentally. As of now I’m thinking about ditching this essay and playing on my phone because one task is more easily attainable. The difference in the two tasks is the instant gratification task though quick and reusable only activates the reward system with dopamine for so long and in smaller doses. The harder more rewarding task creates more dopamine in larger quantities for an extended period of time. Your brain knows what task is more fulfilling but because your limbic system is wired to avoid pain and seek pleasure we usually choose the quickest way to feeling good.
            Addiction is the brains way of receiving the rush of endorphins and dopamine through any means necessary for an extended amount of time that is otherwise harmful to oneself. If you dismiss this and believe that you are not addicted to something such as your phone or more commonly the internet then try to go 48 hours completely without it and feel the cravings pollute your thoughts. A few years ago I didn’t believe that I was any way addicted to anything in my life, that notion quickly revolted against me when I took a trip to South America. In South America we didn’t use any electronic devices besides some flashlights and cameras. We were also put on a diet that consisted of mostly greens and lean meat that was only ever served with a glass of water. I craved sugar the most which drove me to leaving our housing in the middle of the night to see if a nearby store had anything that would at least give me a quick fix. As I continued my midnight excursion in a foreign country I had barely arrived in the store manager wouldn’t let me purchase the candy and soda I had selected. The only store open at this late hour was denying me my addictions source of food. I was more livid then I would like to admit but he explained that he wasn’t allowed to sell any food to people on the trip as instructed by our leader. After suffering a little over a week my cravings vanished. I told you that little story because we live in perpetual denial of facts such as addiction because we don’t believe them to be real until faced with the consequences.
            Procrastination can be managed by setting rewards for yourself if you complete the task. The most useful tactic is to just eliminate your distractions and suffering through what needs to be done, our minds usually over think how hard a task would be to complete instead of starting the task. The most successful students aren’t all the most intelligent or the most talented but they do get their work done and that’s more than a majority of us even try. If you come to one conclusion through reading this article I would hope that you know that you have all the potential now all you have to do is actually use it, and if you don’t then what’s the point of having the best tool for the job when you only ever use your bare hands.

Works Cited
"Procrastinate." Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 13 Aug. 2014
"Drugs, Dopamine, and the Reward System." Addict Science Drugs Dopamine and the Reward System Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Aug. 2014
"Procrastination - Is Dopamine to Blame? - Neurogistics." Neurogistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Aug. 2014.

"Tips for Overcoming Procrastination." Psychology. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Aug. 2014.
"The Science Behind Procrastination." Real Simple. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Aug. 2014.